Won't Somebody Think of the Golf Handicaps?
Although the dead-eyed warden of HM Prison UK has shrugged off the whole issue of climate change by abolishing the relevant ministry and heading the Department of the Environment first with the gormless Andrea Leadsom and then with the jabbering homunculus Michael Gove, the likelihood remains that somebody ought to do something about it. The governor of the Bank of England has warned that climate change can affect real people as well as mere Third Worlders, and has advised banks and insurance companies to start calculating the size of the tab which the taxpayers will have to pick up. He warned of a "climate Minsky moment", referring to the embarrassment of 2008, as a result of which banks were not penalised or made to change their ways significantly or compelled to assume greater responsibility for their activities; although the cost to the taxpayers may well have caused one or two sensitive souls to suffer fiscally significant moral qualms. Undoubtedly, were such a thing permitted to happen again it would be a most uncomfortable experience.
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