When Irish Noes are Twitching
Well, here's a thing: the DUP are not like the Liberal Democrats. Having allied herself with the creationist gay-bashers, apparently under the impression that anyone from so untroubled a province of the Empire could hardly help but be reasonable, Tumbledown Tessie toddled off to give the Euro-wogs what-for, only for her allies to chop her off at the knees in front of all the grown-ups and David Davis. The deal, which might have been expected to last at least until more than one person tried to interpret the wording, did not even survive through lunchtime. By contrast to the junior partners in Britain's previous hard-right coalition, the Democratic Unionists are in earnest about at least one word in their party's name - an attitude which must come as quite a shock to the Conservatives, whose name tends to suggest such outmoded political virtues as strength, stability and economic competence.
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