Rude Questions
Given that we are only a few days from the annual ceremony for remembrance of who won the bloody war anyway, it is particularly tactless of the Euro-wog Führer in charge of punishment beatings to start throwing his weight around Tumbledown Tessie's vulnerable Sudetenlands. Nevertheless, Michel Barnier has demanded that the blithering prima donna David Davis and the gibbering former Minister for Werritty come up with, of all things, a plan for the future that involves some sort of concrete idea about what the future ought to look like. One would almost think that visions of a prosperous, independent nation of cake-having cake-eaters amounted to something less than a reasonable basis for negotiation. Even the UK's fair and reasonable offer to treat EU citizens as not quite illegal immigrants, and to create a nice new Home Office database just for them, has been churlishly spurned; and many Euro-wogs appear content to bask in their prosperity under the mistaken impression that they don't have to share it with the mainland. What can be the problem?
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