Plastic Dummies All at Sea
Given that a charge on the use of plastic bags has led to a massive reduction in the use of plastic bags, it is natural that the empty suit at the Treasury should be calling for evidence as to whether charges on plastic products might possibly lead to a reduction in the use of plastic products. Even if the call for evidence is not merely a bit of headline-grabbing green crap, the relevant minister is still the jabbering homunculus Michael Gove, and much of the evidence will inevitably come from experts and be full of pessimism and non-positivity and general doing down of our fracked and fossilled land. Environmentalists have gone so far as to claim that any resulting action will need to be coordinated, which rather rules it out from the start. The discovery that plastic litter is affecting even deep-sea fish has no doubt helped to concentrate minds among the slimy pond life that is the modern Conservative Party; but the idea that taxes on something other than prole food or female hygiene products could be part of a reasonable solution may need a few more decades to sink in.
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