They Hate Our Freedom
Renewed howls about fiscal fascism and anti-entrepreneurial punishment beatings are doubtless already in preparation among the more squealy echelons of Tumbledown Tessie's rabble, as the fiendish Euro-wogs are plotting to investigate, of all things, corporate tax-dodging. During the late Osbornomic miracle, the Bullingdon Club cracked down on this to the extent of permitting multinational corporations to dodge their taxes; and the Liberal Democrats exercised so profound a moderating effect that multinational corporations are still permitted to dodge their taxes. In January, the empty suit which is hanging in until an actual chancellor can be found threatened to turn Britain into a country that permits multinational corporations to dodge their taxes, although the empty suit has since admitted that this, like everything else, is not the Government's plan. Nevertheless, the fiendish Euro-wogs still seem to think there is reason to suspect Britain of permitting multinational corporations to dodge their taxes. It is really most unfair.
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