Smog of Law
Even before Tumbledown Tessie's sudden discovery of the magic money tree, when it's a matter of genuine principle Her Majesty's Government has always managed to find a little something down the sofa. Hence, no doubt, the greenest government ever's expenditure of hundreds of thousands on futile court cases at a time when the Bullingdon Club and its little orange faglings were merrily burning up the hovels and watering down the gruel. Characteristically enough, the substance of the cases in question was whether Her Majesty's Government has a legal right to poison its own proles whatever the law might have to say about it; and characteristically enough, Her Majesty's Government lost, kept on losing, and kept on breaking the law.A spokesbeing for the jabbering homunculus in charge of green crap proclaimed that, actually, the Government has found almost twice the price of Arlene Foster for improving air quality and reducing emissions; it remains as yet unclear whether harmful fuels will be phased out or simply passed on to the nearest convenient Third World thug at a more or less conscionable mark-up.
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