Nice Pax Britannica, Shame if it Got Broken
Plucky little Britain has once more defied the uppity Euro-wogs by ignoring all the silly, obscurantist talk about paying our dues and citizens' rights, and focusing with rectal-tunnel vision on the Government's eminently sensible threat to withdraw the mainland from collective security arrangements and leave the continent at the mercy of the Russian Bear. Since all the Euro-wogs seem to want to talk about is mere money and the rights of mere migrants, the blithering prima donna David Davis and his chums have pointed out the eminently relevant fact that Britain has lots and lots of weapons, and that Britain and France are the only European countries important enough to be emulated by North Korea; except of course that, as was most recently made clear by the film Dunkirk, France doesn't really count. The Imperial Haystack and the blathering blimp at the Ministry for Wog-Bombing both joined in the chorus of undiminished unwaveringness and unwavering undiminishability; but it remains as yet unclear whether the Euro-wogs will be manly enough to take the hint.
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