A Warning From On High
Irritation with the Government's rabbit-in-the-headlights attitude towards Europe has been building in various quarters for some time (viz. since approximately the early hours of 24 June 2016, when "Plan? What plan?" was confirmed as official policy); but it seems that matters are now becoming serious. The City of London Corporation, of which the British Conservative Party is the political wing, has ordered its Westminster flunkeys to pull their collective finger out, otherwise the banks may be forced to move their operations away from London. Since the banks are Britain's only more or less functioning industry apart from selling weapons to the Islamic fundamentalists and terrorist underwriters at the head-chopping House of Saud, it is just possible that the economy might not benefit greatly from such an outcome, despite all those years of structural strengthening through the disciplined austerities of the Bullingdon Club and its little orange enablers. It remains as yet unclear whether another taxpayer-funded Nissan Plan is in readiness to forestall any precipitate evacuations. Doubtless the answer will depend largely upon whether the floundering prima donna and David Davis publicist David Davis can be made to understand why London-based banks might wish to uproot themselves purely for the sake of continuing to do business with a lot of Euro-wogs.
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