Why Stop Now?
Fears that the Middle East's ongoing democratisation through fragmentisation might be hindered by the whims of the tangerine-elect to the White House have been firmly laid to rest by the blustering blimp at Britain's Ministry for Wog-Bombing. Michael Fallon, the man who said that a Labour government under Edward Ralphovich Miliberia would hand over the country to Putin, has been having a bit of a gush over the prospect of continuing the crusade against the Fighting Islamic Sons of Tony. The threat from the Bush-Blair legacy is a global one, present not only in Iraq and Syria but in civilised countries too; though not, of course, in Russia, whose attempts to prevent the forces of enlightenment from turning Syria into another Libya are motivated solely by a ruthless and despicable expansionism. Nevertheless, the terrorists are losing territory and recruits, and we're bombing Mosul so heavily that we must be hitting a bad man here and there, besides helping the brave little Kurds for the most virtuous and democratic reasons. The last thirteen and a half years have gone so well; we must certainly hope that the Trumpster and our other American colonial subjects are sufficiently grown-up to recognise and defer to the blustering blimp's authority and avoid doing anything foolish.
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