Efficiency Savings
More than five thousand British jobs have been saved in the Mediterranean this year, out of a swarming horde of approximately 360,000. This compares favourably with last year's bag of 3,771 confirmed jobs saved out of a swarming horde of more than a million. The decrease in the number of cockroaches attacking our white working class is thought to derive from "actions" (tough and decisive ones, no doubt) by Turkey and Greece, and the closure of a corridor between Germany and Greece which was found to serve purposes that were merely humanitarian. The fact that British jobs are being saved at such a healthily increasing rate is thought to derive from efficiency savings by smugglers and the compassion of the Deity in stirring up the sea. It is also likely that conditions in Libya are incentivising a good deal of locational flexibility; but only an extremist or a leftist, Putinite Gaddafi-licker and crypto-Assad would dare to suggest that results from the recent wog-bombing of Libya should disincentivise the West from enlightened and liberalising wog-bombing elsewhere.
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