Legitimate Concerns, Understandable Reactions
Protests have erupted in the Righteous State over statements by the colony's police commissioner implying that it is natural to treat Ethiopian Jews as though they were Arabs. Israelis of Ethiopian origin have complained about over-policing and racial profiling, and the commissioner was ready with a rebuttal drawn from the same respected sociological studies that fuel the rhetoric of the Trumpster and the Farage Falange: "In all criminological studies around the world it is proven that immigrants are more involved in crime than others, and this should not surprise us." In a country where immigrants have been engaged in large-scale criminal violence since before 1948, this must certainly be a cause for concern. One activist responded by pointing out the all-important distinction between mere cockroaches and those with a genuine mythological justification: "We are not migrant workers, we are Jews who returned to their country after some 2,500 years in exile." Self-evidently, no true descendant of Joshua's genocidaires deserves anything but respect from the police.
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