A Cleaner Mañana
A mere half-century after making a radioactive mess in south-easten Spain, the World Cop has finally condescended to clean up the damage. A B-52 carrying four weapons of mass destruction crashed after a mid-air collision in 1966, forcing Franco's minister of tourism into a horrifying, moob-waggling photo-opportunity with the US ambassador in order to show that the radiation was harmless. The minister of tourism died at the age of seventy-nine, having conveniently mutated into a democrat once the Caudillo went to his reward. Since President Obama has recently ordered the Spaniards to keep on electing radioactive waste as their government, it seems only fair to balance things up a bit; especially as the US plans to increase its military presence at both Rota near Cádiz, and at the charmingly-named Morón.
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