Seventh Smackdown for Serial Offender
Chris Graybeing, the Lord Chancellor and Minister for Justice and Heterosexual Hostelry, has suffered a seventh defeat by the hotbed of wishy-washy leftism that is the British legal system. Graybeing's latest glory concerns legal aid funding for people fighting deportation; as we know, deportation is always justified because it is usually done to immigrants. Nevertheless, Graybeing's guidance on the matter has been ruled unlawful under the hated European Convention on Human Rights, which guarantees fair trials, family life and other privileges of Britishness to billions upon billions of wogs, woggettes, woglings and wog-marriers. The palpable insanity of the situation would be enough to break a lesser man, granting the purely logical possibility that a lesser man than Graybeing exists; and Graybeing himself, of course, has also been victimised by a conspiracy of lawyers, charities, NGOs, the Labour Party and, by no means least, his own formidable depths of competence. Fortunately, it appears that his general intelligence is fully the equal of his legal expertise, so presumably he remains blissfully unaware of his abjection.
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