The Curmudgeon


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Fury at Muslim Horror

British taxpayer subsidises Nobel giveaway

All three of Britain's major political parties were incandescent with fury today as a female Muslim refugee deprived ordinary hard-working Britons of their share in the Nobel Peace Prize.

"I am incandescent with fury today," said Aubrey Whinge, prospective UKIP candidate for the Tory seat of Gusset and Fudgetunnel.

"Modern Britain is full of ordinary working people who work hard and want to get on, and yet nobody is allowed to say anything about it."

The Prime Minister was having a working brunch at Auschwitz with representatives of G4S and US intelligence, but a spokesbeing for 10 Downing Street said that he shared the incandescent fury of ordinary hard-working Britons.

Ed Milibeing was incandescent with fury, and said that his heart fibrillated with adoration whenever an ordinary hard-working Briton waved a flag.

Despite claiming to be fond of mathematical formulas, workfare-age Malala Yousafzai was unable to give any coherent explanation of why she is not yet putting something back into the British economy by working in a shop.

Yousafzai's attitude towards traditional educational values provoked use of enhanced chastisement methods by the Taliban in 2012.

Her hospital treatment at the expense of the British taxpayer provoked controversy, but in its own defence the Government has pointed out that she was taken to a Birmingham hospital rather than a real one in London.


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