Home Rule
Not content with having vanquished Michael Gove, the mad old cat lady at the Home Office has chosen the day of the latest debate on wog-bombing to issue a new pronunciamento on the Passport Office. The proclamation intimates that things have not been going terribly well at the agency, where the coalition imposed one of its trademark non-top-down, non-chaotic reorganisations last year, and where passport consumers have been plagued with delays ever since. Part of the pretext for the reorganisation was national security, so naturally the Passport Office relaxed its security checks in order to speed things up. At this point it became apparent even to Daveybloke's mad old cat lady that all was not entirely tickety-boo, and she has now decided to rule the agency by decree until it can be sold off to a private company the next time the Chancellor needs help with his sums or, as with the probation service, just for the pure giddy hell of it. Then as now, Daveybloke's mad old cat lady will doubtless hope to bask in the reflected collateral damage.
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