Nicky Points the Finger
Nick Clegg has suddenly remembered the Chilcot report, which has been in development hell for the past five years. Clegg is doubtless nostalgic for a time when the words mendacious right-wing poodle conjured up the grinning sanctimony of the Reverend Blair's visage rather than the neutered vacuity of his own; but it seems that not everyone shares his belated enthusiasm for the truth. It is not clear who is holding things up; perhaps Prince Charles wrote a sensitive letter, or perhaps some of the finer points of questioning have not yet been bludgeoned a sufficient distance into the Hoon cranium to elicit a satisfactory answer. Of course, with the moral and political weight of Clegg behind the report's publication, we may have to wait no longer than it takes for the thirty-year rule to expire until we see a version which has been redacted to a proper condition for our sensitive gaze.
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