This New Hitler Supersedes All Previous New Hitlers for the Moment
North Korea's ambassador to the United Nations has, rather carelessly, opened his country to charges of blasphemous libel by attempting to justify North Korean crimes using rhetoric from the Coalition of the Willing. Japan, the EU, the United States and South Korea have brought a resolution calling for the last remaining full member of the Axis of Evil to be investigated and chastised for crimes against humanity; as is customary in such cases, the crimes in question have already been likened to Nazi-era atrocities, much like selected crimes of Saddam Hussein and Colonel Gaddafi, and include "systematic torture, starvation and killings." Besides omitting the Nazi crime for which those tried at Nuremberg were hanged and for which the Reverend Blair regularly nominates himself to the Norwegian Nobel Committee, namely international aggression, North Korea has committed the indiscretion of visiting these lesser atrocities mainly on North Koreans, and has now blotted its copy-book irreparably by telling the international community to mind its own business.
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