Go-Co A No-No
The empty suit which replaced Adam Werritty at the Ministry of Wog-Bombing has evidently decided against becoming the new Twizzler Lansley, at least for the moment. Philip Hammond had planned to privatise the armed services' procurement agency, bestowing responsibility for equipping our brave boys upon the sort of nice, reliable people who charge the taxpayer for tracking non-existent criminals and who had to be rescued from their commitments at the Olympics by employees of the evil public sector. Like Twizzler Lansley, the empty suit was prepared to push through the profiteers' agenda in defiance of all petty objections from those who actually knew anything about the problems involved; unlike Twizzler Lansley, the empty suit was prevented from carrying out a truly comprehensive act of vandalism by the withdrawal from the bidding process of all the willing providers save one. The empty suit has now decided that certain risks are too big to take, even when our brave boys are taking them for the likes of Philip Hammond; and he will instead content himself with "streamlining" the existing arrangement, presumably by sacking a few expendables to try and claw back the £7.4 million he admits to having wasted.
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