Small-Time Doesn't Pay
Chris Graybeing, the Minister for Private Prisons and Heterosexual Hostelry, has decided to bring the rehabilitation of offenders in line with education, public health and the right to dodge taxes: he's going to make it dependent on ability to pay. Chris Graybeing works in the House of Claimants, which notoriously includes a much larger proportion of criminals than the population at large; perhaps that explains why he is so worried about the one thousand million a year which is spent on criminal legal aid. Hundreds of times more money is lost to the Treasury through large-scale tax-dodging by chums of the Bullingdon Club; which doubtless means that Graybeing's idea will be nodded through by the Deputy Conservatives and criticised by Labour for not being harsh enough. Making offenders poorer is likely to be about as effective a means of keeping us safe from crime as running prisons for profit or selling off the state's forensics labs; but since the measure is being sold as a purely financial exercise, perhaps it is unfair to dwell on such trivialities as its probable effects beyond Planet Westminster.
At 11:50 pm , Madame X said...
Well I do think banksters ought to pay back their victims and fund their own legal defense, somehow I don't that's what he had in mind. No lawyer in his right mind would work for the possibility of being repaid (along with a slew of victims) years down the road when the client would ostensibly be released from prison and lucky enough to find an employer willing to hire an exfelon. In which case, why not simply eliminate trials and throw the accused in jail? It's not as though defendants representing themselves have any prospects.
At 6:09 pm , Philip said...
Presumably the idea is that the state pays in the first instance, and then when the criminal leaves prison his new debt to society can be extricated by private-sector bailiffs, with further immeasurable savings for the taxpayer. Eventually, no doubt, people will be given the choice of standing trial at their own expense or pleading guilty as charged in return for an economy-size punishment at slightly lower cost.
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