Put Out More Wogs
Daveybloke's mad old cat lady has decided to capitalise on her present national popularity and do a bit of empire-building at the expense of the hapless UK Border Agency. The agency is to be split in two, like the Home Office some years ago; the measure did the Home Office a world of good, as may be seen from the fact that its divorcé departments are being run by persons of the calibre of Theresa May and the Hero of Heterosexual Hostelry, Chris Graybeing. UKBA will be split into an immigration service, which will prevent immigration, and a law enforcement service, which will deny immigrants the protection of the law. It is to be hoped for Theresa May's sake that the differences between the two are slightly more obvious to the naked eye than the distinction between arse and elbow. Both services will be brought under ministerial control, in order to combat the "closed and defensive culture" and the attitude of continual crisis management which were characteristic of UKBA and from which ministers and their underlings are constitutionally immune.
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