Not Just A Few Rotten Apples
Daveybloke's minister for health and News Corporation, Jeremy C Hunt, is continuing the fightback against the unfortunate legacy of the Olympic opening ceremony last summer, which implied that the National Health Service is somehow a Good Thing. Hunt has dipped into a report on Stafford hospital, where two departments and two wards were operating standards of patient care which one would expect from Iain Duncan Smith's henchmen at ATOS. In the wake of Plebgate and lesser scandals, isolated and sporadic cases of bad practice are now strictly the province of the armed forces and the Conservative Party; so Hunt has decided that "there are little bits of Stafford" dotted all around the health service. Hunt made noises about returning "all parts of the NHS to its core values of care and compassion", and then proclaimed "a big debate about values" in which care and compassion for anyone but private corporations and other worthies will doubtless be almost at the top of the agenda. Fortunately, the essentials of the matter are already settled, since the right sort of care, compassion and efficiency will be enforced from April under the provisions of Twizzler Lansley's anti-NHS act.
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