Credible Positionings
Britain's Head Boy has been having a bit of a burble over the vexed question of our relations with the Euro-wogs. The substance of Daveybloke's burble, if substance is the word I want, is that Euro-wogs and mainland alike will have to wait for a further burble later in the month. Daveybloke is inclined to give voters a "real choice", and also wishes to gain the Euro-wogs' co-operation in pandering to the troglodytes on his back benches; but Daveybloke also does not wish to be like Norway or Switzerland "where basically you have to obey all the rules of the single market but you don't have a say over what they are". This, of course, would be diametrically opposed to the preferred position of successive British governments, where basically you write all the rules yourself and then change them at the whim of Adam Werritty. For their own part, despite the Daveybloke veto thirteen months ago, the Euro-wogs still do not seem to have realised who's in charge; but Wee Nicky and his remnants are an altogether different proposition. Daveybloke noted that it is perfectly reasonable for the Deputy Conservatives to have different views, but proclaimed that in private they are knuckling under like the good little chaps they are. Daveybloke said that the Deputy Conservatives will do well when the coalition does well, which certainly must be encouraging for them.
At 5:34 pm ,
Anonymous said...
Where is Adam Werritty?
At 7:08 pm ,
Philip said...
Spending more time with his company directorships, I presume.
At 4:50 pm ,
The Judge said...
Especially since his Fox shot himself in the foot.
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