Up To A Point
News Corporation's little man in Downing Street has burbled out a generic non-responsive response to an open letter from the victims of entrepreneurial striving by various minions of his chums, Rebekah Wade and Andy Coulson. In keeping with present-day religious orthodoxy, Daveybloke believes that the state has no business doing anything to protect its citizens, and there have been reports that he intends to treat Lord Leveson's recommendations according to the faith and reject outright any statutory regulation of the scumbag press. Daveybloke has now said that he will implement Leveson's recommendations provided he thinks they are sensible. This is jolly comforting, no doubt: Daveybloke supports Twizzler Lansley's anti-NHS bill and George Osborne's mugging of the economy, and promoted Chris Graybeing to the Ministry of Justice and Jeremy C Hunt to the Department of Health, presumably on the grounds that he thought they were sensible too.
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