One Nation For Those Who Deserve It
With the media cooing over Ed Milibeing's one-nation rhetoric, Iain Duncan Smith's frère et semblable in the Shadow Department for Work and Pensions Withdrawal has been beavering away at the method. Liam Byrne has proclaimed that resentment of welfare claimants is a reasonable basis for national policy. Times have changed, the system needs to work differently, and when work isn't there people need a bigger push to get into it: this sort of thing, apparently, is Labour's idea of opening clear blue water between themselves and the Conservatives. When in government, Byrne was an enthusiast of privatisation for social care and education, and he also began a policy of forcible deportation for unaccompanied children seeking asylum. The quickest and easiest way to unite people into one nation is, of course, to create outcasts on which the mob can comfortably and permissibly vent its wrath; so it is clear that Liam Byrne knows his business.
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