Practicalitisatory Politicality, Publicalisatory Populatilicity
In a crisis, as everyone knows, the decent British thing is to gather round, pull together, lend a hand and muddle through. Presumably this explains why the Secretary for National Fragmentation and Under-funding has chosen this week - undoubtedly one of the Glorious Successor's least glorious, even with almost a hundred weeks of ignominy to choose from - to attack her Beloved Leader in print. According to a senior party figure quoted by the Observer, the Hazy Blah is "part of a very active right-wing faction within the party" which, despite being actively right-wing, seems to have some sort of disagreement with the Glorious Successor. Backed up by the brilliant Ruth Kelly, a sort of Geoff Hoon with Fallopian tubes, the Blah is adamant that the Government "has the right policies"; but, as one would expect of a Blairite, waxes discontented about the much more important issue of how those policies are presented. The Blah burbles about a "meta-narrative", which "needs to be supported by practical policies", hopefully including a policy of looking up "meta-narrative" in the dictionary. The Blah notes that New New Labour's approach to the Gurkha issue - a hundred thousand slant-eyed barbarians living on whatever tax money the bankers haven't got - was purely rational, and was defeated only by "a wave of emotion" from the instincts, fears and hopes of the unthinking British public which has voted New Labour to its three historic terms. As a staunch supporter of the Vicar of Downing Street and his policy of preventing interference in the democratic process by the public, the Labour party or the House of Commons, the Blah suggests that Gordon and his bunker-mates start knocking on doors and setting up stalls in town centres, so that they can hear and ignore public anger at first hand.
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