The World Is Now A Less Tortured Place
The Glorious Successor, as a member of the Government that shares its values with the House of Saud; the Glorious Successor, as a member of the Government that condoned Abu Ghraib, found the Guantánomaly to be a regrettable public-relations episode, connived at "extraordinary rendition" and thought that useful intelligence could be gained by allowing the Uzbekistan kleptarchy's thugs to extract information in their own special way; the Glorious Successor, whose Home Secretary happily deports people to Iran while advising them to be "discreet" about those aspects of their lives which might offend the Mad Mullahs; the Glorious Successor, before whose word as a New Labour chancellor and New New Labour prime minister we cannot help but genuflect, has stated that his "policy is not to support torture or to condone torture, and we support President Obama in his decision that the US will not use torture either". Well, that settles that, and no mistake. What a relief.
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