Think of the Children All Over Again
A survey by a children's charity shows that more than sixty per cent of people have no objection to gay couples or single people adopting children; naturally, the country's leading liberal newspaper reports this as "Survey reveals opposition to gay adoption". Among those who did object, large majorities ascribed their prejudices to the need for both male and female role models - clearly an impossibility in light of the quasi-monastic sexual segregation practised by gay couples, single women and single men - and to the good old "breakdown of the traditional family". There are four thousand children awaiting adoption in this broken society of sixty-something million; if every one of them were to be adopted by a gay couple, this would mean a cadre of 12,000 people, or one five-thousandth of the population, living in non-traditional families. If the four thousand were adopted by single men and women, it would mean a somewhat reduced peril of 8,000 people, or one seven-thousand-five-hundredth of the population, who would be contributing, by the dire and distasteful fact of their existence, to the breakdown of the traditional heterosexual nuclear hard-working patriarchal TV-and-fighting collective.
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