The Curmudgeon


Saturday, November 01, 2008

Peak Confidence

Now, here's a comforting thought: the Government which believes that the best answer to an economic crisis is to reward those who caused it; which believes that public health and public transport are best looked after by private profiteers; which believes that children are best raised when they are born in prison, given school exams as infants, coddled and advertised into puberty and spied on in adolescence; which believes that the healthiest political system is the one that can be sold at the highest price; which believes that the way to deal with poverty and unemployment is to use taxpayers' money to pay for advertising slogans like We're closing in; which believes that the demands of a responsible mass media are congruent with the demands of Rupert Murdoch; which believes that it can afford to send its soldiers to fight protracted colonial wars without proper equipment and without taking the slightest interest in the welfare of those soldiers' allies and helpers among the subject races; which believes that state-sponsored religious teaching of various incompatible doctrines is the best way to unite the kingdom; which believes that the London Olympics will cost the taxpayer something or other, but probably not too much; which believes in sustainable uranium and clean coal; which believed in Sir Ian Blair to such an extent that despite his manifold and highly obtrusive talent for disappointing his fans it took a putsch by the London Haystack to remove him; this Government which believes, for all I know, that the sun goes round the earth, that the moon is made of Cheddar cheese and that the Upper Miliband is the most cunning diplomat since Talleyrand, also believes that "global oil resources are adequate for the foreseeable future". So that's one thing less to worry about, at least.


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