Suspended Sentence Scandal Silence Scandal
A deafening silence vibrating with moral indignation rang out from Daveybloke's Cuddly Conservatives as their former candidate for Watford received a suspended sentence today.
Ian Oakley, who is now a potential candidate for the Shirley Porter Good Clean Politics Award, pleaded guilty to five charges of criminal damage and two of harassment, and asked for sixty-eight other offences to be taken into account.
"This derisory sentence is yet another example of the Government's utter unconcern with victims' rights and utter refusal to get tough on crime," a spokesbeing for Conservative Central Office did not say.
The chairman of the bench said that Oakley had "clearly ignored the very obvious distress that would be caused to the victims and others who became involved", although it seems at least equally possible that Oakley did take these factors into account but regarded them as more advantageous than otherwise.
"Vicious hate campaigner walks free", front-page headlines in the Daily Maul and Murdoch press did not scream.
Oakley's tactics included silent phone calls and accusations of child abuse. Given the popularity of such tactics with New New Labour's chums in the banking and Muslim control industries, Oakley's political career may not yet be over.
Ian Oakley, who is now a potential candidate for the Shirley Porter Good Clean Politics Award, pleaded guilty to five charges of criminal damage and two of harassment, and asked for sixty-eight other offences to be taken into account.
"This derisory sentence is yet another example of the Government's utter unconcern with victims' rights and utter refusal to get tough on crime," a spokesbeing for Conservative Central Office did not say.
The chairman of the bench said that Oakley had "clearly ignored the very obvious distress that would be caused to the victims and others who became involved", although it seems at least equally possible that Oakley did take these factors into account but regarded them as more advantageous than otherwise.
"Vicious hate campaigner walks free", front-page headlines in the Daily Maul and Murdoch press did not scream.
Oakley's tactics included silent phone calls and accusations of child abuse. Given the popularity of such tactics with New New Labour's chums in the banking and Muslim control industries, Oakley's political career may not yet be over.
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