The Curmudgeon


Monday, May 26, 2008

An Ethical Dimension

The London Haystack has decreed that "many Londoners felt uncomfortable about the bus operation of one of the world's financial powerhouses being funded by the people of a country where many people live in extreme poverty", and has therefore cancelled a deal made during Ken Livingstone's administration "which traded London's expertise in transport and urban planning for subsidised diesel" from, of all places, Venezuela.

Venezuela, domain of the evil pineapple-god Hugo Chávez! Venezuela, where the faces of the poor are ground into the dust thanks to the persecutions imposed upon the rich! Venezuela, whose electoral system has been abused in a manner which George W Bush finds objectionable! Venezuela, which provided fifteen of the nineteen hijackers on 11 September 2001 (when America was attacked by terrorists), where women can't vote or drive cars, and where so many people live in extreme poverty that even Boris Johnson can't help but notice! Well, dash it all, what else was there to do except drop the whole deal as though it were a policy suggestion from Liam Fox?

The deal "covered a fifth of the fuel bill for buses and trams. The savings were converted into discount fares for around 250,000 people on income support", who were doubtless among the most vocal in making known their moral objections to the scheme.


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