Artificial Family Values
Given that we cannot look after the children we have, cannot educate them properly, cannot feed them properly, cannot induce them to socialise except over the internet, in hoodie gangs or with paedophiliac groomers, it is only natural that certain of our parliamentary representatives should wish to facilitate more births. Since the world is overcrowded and fast running out of resources, a cross-party group of MPs is trying to overturn the present ban on the use of artificial gametes in creating yet more human pregnancies. As when humanity progressed from hitting one another with flint axes to twenty-first century humanitarian intervention, the technology which a rational species might use to make life easier is being co-opted as a means of turning mindless instinct into genocidal self-indulgence. The chair of the British Fertility Society urges us to "take the example of a cancer victim who hasn't got any sperm or eggs because they have had chemotherapy - if you get to the step where we could make it for them, most people will say they can see the benefits". The benefits of adoption and fostering, or even of belonging to a generation which Gaia might not have to cull, are obviously a bit more elusive.
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