Fat Cat Phish
From: "darlingbloke"@torygraph.uk
Date: Sat Feb 16 2008 4:00pm Europe/London
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: valentine public S C R E \/\/ with executive next Door
Reply-To: darlingbloke@torygraph.uk
Dear thrusting Executtive Freind!!!!
i am darlingbloke i am in chrage of FREE economoney whihch gives yuo Reward. i amn Freind of Businesiness i am darlinbgloke Darling Bloke bloke. therere isn asbolutley Nothing wrogn whith giveing Somebodody a reward butt at the presmnet time when poeople are Going thruopugh these Dificultys thaT is smoethnibg the Baords have got to look at. i am darlingbloke in chrage of UK thrusting economomy whijhich is facing Difuculty Year so regretababaly i am Not going to loook at it myslef. i am Freind of Busniness darling i am Darling bloke. Youu shuold behave rsponsbibly i dnont have any poprblem with the Cheif Exexetive of a Bnak or Oil Comppany getting Reward for doing the righght Thnig by thr Company there is NO OBLIGATION TO thrusrting difficvult UK ecomnomny but if yuo cnanot jutsify to your next door nieghbour who may psossibly wrok for a Poorer company and nott gett as big Bonus Reward you shuold Thnik Again. yuo have gottt to be Abel to say to peopoelele here is somoenone who made a Dificulty Deferance Difierance the Reward may be a Lot bttut he has Jutsititified itt to his nexdore nighbore.
Thank Yuo for your Atttttentioin.
Yorus incincerelyly
darlingBl;oleloke darling Bloke
Date: Sat Feb 16 2008 4:00pm Europe/London
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: valentine public S C R E \/\/ with executive next Door
Reply-To: darlingbloke@torygraph.uk
Dear thrusting Executtive Freind!!!!
i am darlingbloke i am in chrage of FREE economoney whihch gives yuo Reward. i amn Freind of Businesiness i am darlinbgloke Darling Bloke bloke. therere isn asbolutley Nothing wrogn whith giveing Somebodody a reward butt at the presmnet time when poeople are Going thruopugh these Dificultys thaT is smoethnibg the Baords have got to look at. i am darlingbloke in chrage of UK thrusting economomy whijhich is facing Difuculty Year so regretababaly i am Not going to loook at it myslef. i am Freind of Busniness darling i am Darling bloke. Youu shuold behave rsponsbibly i dnont have any poprblem with the Cheif Exexetive of a Bnak or Oil Comppany getting Reward for doing the righght Thnig by thr Company there is NO OBLIGATION TO thrusrting difficvult UK ecomnomny but if yuo cnanot jutsify to your next door nieghbour who may psossibly wrok for a Poorer company and nott gett as big Bonus Reward you shuold Thnik Again. yuo have gottt to be Abel to say to peopoelele here is somoenone who made a Dificulty Deferance Difierance the Reward may be a Lot bttut he has Jutsititified itt to his nexdore nighbore.
Thank Yuo for your Atttttentioin.
Yorus incincerelyly
darlingBl;oleloke darling Bloke
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