The Curmudgeon


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Negotiate Properly Or I'll Bash You Up

The Bush administration continues to indulge its appealing if less than subtle taste for irony with its latest poke at the Great Satan in the Middle East. The White House has labelled the Revolutionary Guards a supporter of terrorism and "imposed the toughest sanctions on Tehran since the Islamist revolution of 1979". Before the Islamist revolution of 1979, of course, the United States had no need to impose sanctions on Tehran, as Tehran was occupied by the Shah who imposed sanctions upon the Iranian people on his master's behalf.

The evil Revolutionary Guards also "have business interests ranging from newspapers to cars", unlike the Pentagon which is funded from taxpayers' money through a crypto-socialist, big-government welfare state. This is why the evil Revolutionary Guards can afford to interfere in the affairs of sovereign nations, exerting a destabilising influence on the US-imposed democracies in Afghanistan and Iraq, and exacerbating the existential threat to the Righteous State by giving financial aid and comfort to the elected representatives of the Palestinian Untermenschen.

As if that were not enough, it appears that the evil Revolutionary Guards are "proliferators of weapons of mass destruction" because they have some sort of role in developing nuclear weapons. Since the evidence for the existence of such weapons is, if anything, even more pitiable than the evidence of Saddam Hussein's wherewithal for placing a mushroom cloud over New York, it is obvious that the evil Revolutionary Guards are developing the weapons in deep, sneaky secrecy. Perhaps they're doing it in a cave somewhere.

In another courageous change of direction by the Glorious Successor's government, Britain "said it supported the US action".


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