Undistinguishable in Mire
The Conservative Party has either developed a sublime sense of humour, or has lost the final tattered remains of the one it used to have, which it displayed with such brio in stunts like putting Peter Lilley in charge of social security. Not only are they pushing Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson as the next mayor of London, but his rivals for the nomination are called Boff, Lightfoot and Borwick. Lightfoot's first name is Warwick, which may or may not rhyme with Borwick. Since, as is well known, the Conservatives have no policies other than New Labour ones, presumably the fielding of a set of candidates which sounds like a law firm out of Charles Dickens is intended to give some indication of the party's vision of the future: thousands of nice rich people dispensing charity, millions of poor people working flexible hours for non-materialistic wages, Ignorance and Want doing the rounds of the faith schools, and fog everywhere.
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