The Curmudgeon


Monday, July 02, 2007

No Really, It's A Wolf This Time, Honest

It seems that the Simon Tisdall school of objectivity is now a little too abject even for the US military. Their latest drumbeat on the path to Operation Iranian Liberation comes complete with named army spokesbeing (one Brigadier General Kevin Bergner) and even a named Hizbullah source, Ali Mussa Daqduq, the circumstances of whose confession were doubtless just humane enough to elicit the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. According to General Bergner, an Iranian covert unit was involved in an incident at Kerbala last January when insurgents disguised as American soldiers managed to trick their way into a compound and cause a detrimentation in Enlightenment forces to the tune of five democracy enhancement personnel. The Iranians "had developed detailed information regarding our soldiers' activities, shift changes and defences, and this information was shared with the attackers," according to General Bergner. In the course of his full and reliable reminiscences, Ali Mussa Daqduq told his interrogators that the tricksters of Kerbala "could not have conducted this complex operation without the support and direction" of the Great Satan to the east. Coincidentally, US military intelligence, which was so informative some years ago on the subject of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, "reveals that senior leadership in Iran is aware of this activity". Well, that certainly settles that. Now, if only we knew just why those fiends in Tehran might want to influence the outcome of a major war just across their borders, we might be in a position to start guessing at their reasons for hating our freedom and our way of life.


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