The Curmudgeon


Friday, July 27, 2007

Ho for the Hols

In a further decisive rift with the bad old days of spin, the Glorious Successor has dumped a number of announcements during the last forty-eight hours before Parliament starts its summer vacation. Aside from the announcement that the Pentagon is to be given an RAF base from which to scupper relations with Russia yet further, the Government also let drop the facts that Paul Myners, a cash donor to the Glorious Successor's hard-fought leadership campaign, has coincidentally been given a Government post, his fourth, as "chairman of the personal accounts delivery unity"; that allowances for MPs have risen by five and a half per cent, which is called "inflation-busting" when it happens to MPs and "inflationary" when it happens to nurses, teachers, firemen, etc.; that further increases have been recommended to the Prime Minister, which is doubtless a Good Thing; that ministers' use of cars has risen by a climate-busting eight per cent, and that members of the Cabinet would mostly rather fly to Brussels than use the Eurostar train service; and about seventy others. Oh, and Harriet Harman has been given the post of Secretary of State for Equality, with an Equalities Office at cabinet level from which to promote the new, non-Blairite, straight-arrow, no-nonsense, publictrustinpoliticsrestorative idea that saying something is equal to not saying it.


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