Faintly Appalled
Tim Stevens, whose excellent weblog I am unfortunately not at liberty to identify (and no, it isn't this one, so keep your vile postmodernist suspicions to yourself), has very kindly reviewed my book Radical Therapies. It is just possible that there are some of you out there who are still living without it, and this review should do much to persuade you that this is not an acceptable situation. I'm very pleased at the comments on the ending of The Little Doctor (extract here), with whose closing sentence I had to tinker a good deal before I got it right. Oddly enough, I've always thought of "House of Stairs" as uncharacteristically romantic; and as for my dreams, I almost never have them - at least, not to remember when I wake. I hope Mr Stevens will find this reassuring, and thank him for his trouble and generosity.
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