The Curmudgeon


Monday, May 07, 2007

A Private Message

From: "jreid"
Date: Saturday May 5, 2007 1:00pm Europe/London
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: FAO tony and press relations

Your Revverence

i am Dr JJohn Reid (Doctor). I am Hmome Sectary. You mmay remememember me from your Recent cabinnet metings I the Sectatary inchargge of idcards asylum skeekers prison overcwowrding plolice raids and shooting of poeople to Prottect our way of life. youh were ocne nice enogh to epxress your asbolute confindence in me sometimes ovr theppppast 100yrs.

however affter many weeks of sole sreaching with My inner Circle I inntend to wwrite this here now hwihch is intennded to infrom you off my intnention to Resighn as Doctor joh nreid att he same Time as you. In the intrest of New Labour Mobillity i have hled 9 jobs in 010yrs and fleel a need to recharge my battarys by relaxnig and claiming my expnenses on the Back Bench and susstaining the New Labour govermnent and Newlabour prim eminster. idettect no eagreness in the Praty for leadreship Competition as we all know Competition does not always mean Efficiency we are socialists after all.

Your suck cessor (Ha! Ha! joke) hass made plain to me thtat i wlil allways be wlecome in his GOvt. but he undnderstands and accccepts my Decsision as Dr Johhn ried (Dr.). this will give him Maxi,mmum flexibilitlity to Rejuvennate in terms of inrotuducing new idaes, new Adgenda and going in the Same direction wthith Raddicaly diferent Policies perhaps in pursiut of cretinainly new Poeople a fresh strat bunging in yyuonger pople in many cases.

i am Docttor joohr nerd. (dr). Iam a Big experenced Figure and storng Comunication. mmy decision to quit wil be a graet Loss to Praty adn Country. My politicl Courge, My abliliyty to Anal yse adn gety to the herat of an isssue and my understadning of pople there hops and concerns has bean Outstanding. I am DOCCtor Reid (john).

Yrs sic nearly

JOHN (DocTOR reied) (Dr.)


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