The Curmudgeon


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Phishing to Bust

From: "jreid"
Date: Wed Apr 4, 2007 1:00pm Europe/London
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: big B_U_S_T intorduced into 20 places

Dear Sir or Madam

I am DOCTOR john Reid (Dr.) i am Home Secratarary i have database I know where you live. I Bust crime. I wish to infrom you of my Planns for future securioty adn Justice and Bustting crime. i Wish to wrok together to portect the Innocnet lawabadiding manjornity against the Evil mijnorinty with you The customer. I know where you live.

i am Doctor John Reied and i bust Crime. my Fitttting of camaras to counter Litter Gangs drunkennnes dissorder conmgragarting Hoods kidnaping British Troops and Forcing woemn to wear the Veil is beter than not tackling it. Now i Bust yet More by Fiting of Lodspeakrses to cammra. i have got More powers tyhan ever before more resorces than ever before. Tihs is just abd an aditional Thing iKnowwhere you live i am Home Sectarary.

iam dr DocTor John Ried. i am Homsecrrrrtry for Busting. the Vast manjinorinty of Poeopole are pretty Decent. But if pople persistantley refuse we have got Pictures we have got Evidence and the Police can be called instantly adn Utterly i know where youu Live and hope it doessnt come to That. it is another way og Using technololgy which is why we are Introducing it for pruposes of Bust in 20 Sensitive spots.

I Am Doctor Ried i am a John. i Like Bust. i dope ho dodo do hope yo can hlep. And i Know where you live.

Yorus incerely

DR. jnonh Reid (Doctor)


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