Road Phish
From: "RevTonyBlair"
Date: Sun Feb 18, 2007 1:00pm Europe/London
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: drive while ohters pay!!!!
To Mottorist dear
Allow me to introduce msyelf i am Tony PM of Country adn repsonsible member of the interminantional Community. I have Got 2012 olympics and abolish Slavery snince 1807. i am Tony PM. am Listnening I wnat to help you.
You Mottorist hvae signed a Petitiononon on my webspace. thids is a Good thing as i wlelcome debate because it premits me to explain why I am right. i am Tony PM. You Mottorist are Worryed about Roading prices charges i am Not a control freak because I Premit you disaggree with Me i AM tony pm. I wnant to hlep you.
You Mottirist need not Worry. i Beleieve road Charging is the Answre and i am Tony PM. let us be sesnible about this paymentss wlil be Purley Voluntary and may be redistirtubted to YOU even when not. You Motorsit are TAxplayer not mere Pubic Transport Passegner and i Wanttttto hlep You.
pelaese acep[t my presonal thanks for openng Up debate. i weclome debate vbecause I Am tony PM.
Wram Regards
Tony (PM)
Date: Sun Feb 18, 2007 1:00pm Europe/London
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: drive while ohters pay!!!!
To Mottorist dear
Allow me to introduce msyelf i am Tony PM of Country adn repsonsible member of the interminantional Community. I have Got 2012 olympics and abolish Slavery snince 1807. i am Tony PM. am Listnening I wnat to help you.
You Mottorist hvae signed a Petitiononon on my webspace. thids is a Good thing as i wlelcome debate because it premits me to explain why I am right. i am Tony PM. You Mottorist are Worryed about Roading prices charges i am Not a control freak because I Premit you disaggree with Me i AM tony pm. I wnant to hlep you.
You Mottirist need not Worry. i Beleieve road Charging is the Answre and i am Tony PM. let us be sesnible about this paymentss wlil be Purley Voluntary and may be redistirtubted to YOU even when not. You Motorsit are TAxplayer not mere Pubic Transport Passegner and i Wanttttto hlep You.
pelaese acep[t my presonal thanks for openng Up debate. i weclome debate vbecause I Am tony PM.
Wram Regards
Tony (PM)
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