The Curmudgeon


Thursday, November 23, 2006

For Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven

The Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship claims that Christian societies are under "unprecedented" attack because student associations at Exeter, Birmingham and Edinburgh have decided to suspend Christian groups from membership. A gaggle of bishops has signed a letter calling for them to be reinstated, apparently on the grounds that freedom of speech under secular law takes precedence over Christ's commandment at Matthew 10 xiv, and outweighs the blessings and reward in heaven promised in the party political broadcast at Matthew 5 x-xii.

Meanwhile, the Church of Scientology has been using its new home in the City of London to good effect, as a base for cultivating the City police. Apparently they "offered support to City police officers in the aftermath of the July 7 attacks last year", though whether the support was moral, financial, spiritual or tactical is regrettably unclear. Over the past year and a quarter, twenty-something police officers have accepted hospitality from the space cadets, including the use at a police concert of a jazz band whose usual rate is £5000 a night, and invitations to a charity dinner and film premiere starring a Scientologist and some special effects. It appears that Scientology is somewhat controversial because of "claims that it separates members from their families and indoctrinates followers", something no reader of, for example, Matthew 10 xxxv-xxxvii would ever dream of doing.


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