Another Baby-Step Too Far
Shrieks of patriotic indignation are doubtless in store over His Majesty's Government's plans to reform the Feudal System. True, the reforms are intended to benefit genuine working people, namely home-owners as opposed to the rent-paying Lumpenarbeiter; and they are also sufficiently moderate and sensible to have originated with the jabbering homunculus Michael Gove; yet there exists a very palpable risk that certain members of the propertied classes may one day be required to provide services even after taking payment for them, in defiance of all humane and British values. Then again, Team Starmer's less than Herculean attempt at polishing a few gobbets of the Augean ordure at the House of Placepersons, Parasites and Porkers is already stalled, apparently on the grounds that the Conservative Party wouldn't like it; so there seems every chance that the Feudal System will emerge from the current Parliament with little more than a few changes in departmental nomenclature.
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