Truss Demands Restraint
Just as the fiend Putin has not personally invaded Ukraine, and the Netanyahoo has not with his own hands driven the Arab Untermenschen from their underground dens, and even the Trumpster and his hydrophobic head-tribble will most likely make use of intermediaries in shredding the Constitution of the United States, so it is no more than literal truth to say that the forty-nine days' wonder which was Prime Minister Mary Elizabeth Surgical-Appliance did not stricto sensu crash the economy. Accordingly, La Truss has taken loud and legalistic exception to the CEO of Team Starmer repeatedly and blatantly proclaiming that she did crash the economy: an allegation all the more outrageous in that La Truss was forced out of office before she had time to achieve the levels of unemployment and GDP collapse that would have put the matter beyond any doubt. Never one to stop and think when looking ridiculous will do, La Truss has dispatched, or caused to be dispatched, a six-page order to Cease and Desist upon the subject; it remains regrettably unclear whether the missive is written in green or purple ink or in block capitals, or even whether it commences You probably won't dare to read any further... Nevertheless, there is as little doubt as ever that if it hadn't been for the Communist cabal running the markets and the hard-left conspiracy on the Conservative back-benches, and if everyone had just listened and done as they were told, the whole unpleasant episode need never have occurred.
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