The Curmudgeon


Thursday, January 30, 2025

Never Again, Unless Decidedly Expedient

You can say what you like about Hitler, provided you don't compare his salute to the Sieg Silicon Valley; but whatever his little foibles he did profit many people of the moderate and sensible classes and he did have relatively few squillionaires rounded up and thrown into concentration camps. Now that the Holocaust is on its way out of living memory and reduced, in polite circles, to little more than a clip-on excuse for the activities of the Righteous State, the moderate and sensible classes are starting to see the left-wing extremist perils of learning the wrong lessons from history. Germany's major conservative parties celebrated the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by conniving with the neo-Nazis to push an immigrant-bashing motion in the Bundestag, and it appears that not everyone is grown-up enough to rejoice at this moral progress. At least one Holocaust survivor, a recipient of Germany's highest honour for raising awareness of the Holocaust in schools, has reacted in a most intemperate fashion, threatening to hand back his Bundesverdienstorden and join the migrant hordes himself. The nation that gave rise to Mr Churchill will thank its own moderational sensibles for their continuing refusal to countenance the freedom of movement which might have enabled him to invade.


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