Substantial Progress
Astoundingly enough, the absorption of the Ministry for Wogs, Beads and Trinkets into the Ministry for Wogs, Frogs, Huns and Hottentots has been of negative benefit to the global poor; and this despite the fact that the merger took place under the piccaninny-pampering auspices of the National Johnson. Even slashing the pittance which His Majesty's Government pays to keep up the pretence of giving a toss appears somehow to have resulted in a reduced impression that His Majesty's Government gives a toss; and the problem does not seem to have been substantially reduced by either the purging of experts and other pessimists or the redirection of much of the aid budget towards the master race. On the bright side, the National Audit Office has been able to report that, a mere four years on, the department is less confused than it used to be; which should at least keep the National Audit Office from immediately suffering a similar efficientisation.
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