
Monday, November 01, 2021

Just Gas

There is no moral justification for making comparisons with Nazi atrocities, and the Archbishop of Canterbury has oozed an abject apology for presuming not only to invoke the Holocaust, but to invoke it against the very same entrepreneurial pluck and gumption that did so much to help the genocide along. In his original statement, the Archbishop went so far as to imply that the demise of civilisation through capitalism might produce a larger body count than the six million honorary proto-Zionists and the largely unmentioned other ranks who were murdered by the Nazis; and there, you know, lies the top of a slippery slope indeed. It would be an act of uttermost bad taste, for example, to compare the ranting racist demagoguery of Mr Churchill's great contemporary with the blathering racist inanity of Mr Churchill's postmodern sub-journalistic caricature. It would be sinful beyond sin to compare the Windrush policy of Justin Welby's sister in Christ, Theresa Mary May, to a hostile environment in which lesser breeds faced deportation on racial grounds. And to compare deliberate and industrialised mass murder with the moderate and sensible extinction of much of the human race, besides other and possibly more appealing species, in return for a timely profit, would be an infraction of the most ineluctable inexcusability.

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