
Thursday, November 11, 2021

Building Back Stabber

Presumably in accordance with the wisdom of David Irving or Edward Luttwak on the necessary timing for one's detachment from a doomed leadership, the jabbering homunculus Michael Gove has determined that the London skyline shall not, after all, be blessed with a thousand-foot-high glazed-glans phallus. The Department for Sweet Nothings, Homelessness and Social Division rejected plans for the folly, which had previously been thrown out by Sadiq Khan on the grounds that they were shoddy and useless and which would probably have been approved by Robert Jenrick, until recently the Minister for Richard Desmond, on approximately the same grounds. Since Khan's decision was a rather sensible one to be seen agreeing with, the jabbering homunculus was cautious enough to utilise the fiscally and romantically Tory-surnamed Christopher Pincher as the shield and codpiece for his rampantly recrudescent manhood.

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