
Monday, October 25, 2021

Yet More Treason

Under normal circumstances, it is about this time of year that the great British public traditionally celebrates its democracy with bonfires and firework displays. On or about the fifth of November, it is usual to commemorate the Christian forgiveness accorded some co-religionists of the Reverend Blair and the National Johnson, when a demonstration of their populist respect for Parliament resulted in some jolly games with racks, ropes and sharpened implements. However, certain namby-pamby local authorities are using the pandemic as an excuse to ban English patriots from illuminating their humane and tolerant heritage with the burning in effigy of a Papist mercenary. It is regrettable that nobody thought to utilise the more patriotic excuses of market forces and national sovereignty, as with the Government's cancellation of Christmas, rather than mere public health concerns.

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