
Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Fiscal Pogrom

Not content with the bestial atrocity of holding the British Empire to the mere terms of an international treaty signed by the British Empire, the ghastly Euro-wogs now threaten the innocent one per cent with yet another unprovoked assault on their safe havens. We are all aware, because the noted anti-racist Boris Johnson has told us so, that our poor persecuted owners are comparable to Jews under the Nazis; and in a hate-filled speech of the kind that would provoke instant condemnation from every British philosemite worthy of the name, a minion of the Brusso-Strasbourg junta implied that starving squillionaires and the humble little companies that support them should be paying yet more tithes to the Nazi-Soviet bureaucracy. By a wholly uninteresting coincidence, the ghastly Euro-wogs had been plotting to tighten the stranglehold of their tax régime for some time before the great British public voted to open Global Britain for business and teach Johnny Foreigner what was what. Doubtless the glory of our great escape will light the nights and keep the heating affordable as patriots and expendables winter on the sunlit uplands.

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