
Friday, October 08, 2021

Controls on Immigration

Patriots will recall that Libya was gloriously democratised ten years ago in a wog-bombing carried out by the first Bullingdon Club administration, with help from its American allies and the Liberal Democrats. Over the past decade, the general collapse precipitated by this typically well-planned bit of peace-keeping has fomented instability across north-west Africa, with immeasurable benefits to the kind of hard-working families who make a good honest living from dealing with migrants. The glamorous Libyan coastguard receive assistance from the best armed forces in the world, just like the fun-loving security apparatus of the head-chopping House of Saud. Hence, patriots will rejoice that British values appear even now to be on the rise in Libya, with migrants being kept in a hostile environment featuring levels of rape and murder to which the Cressida Dick Firearms and Rough Sex Club can only dream of aspiring.

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